Responsible for documenting the company’s Board meetings, manages the disclosure register of the Board and the Executive Management. Ensures the integrity of the governance framework, responsible for the efficientadministration of a company, ensures compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and implementsdecisions made by the Board of Directors. As well as the management of people to create the appropriate culturesto enable the corporate governance structures, policies, and procedures to work effectively.AccountabilitiesCorporate Governance:• The Board Secretary Acts as a “bridge” for information, communication, advice, and arbitration betweenthe board and management and the organization and its stakeholders, including its shareholders.Board Meetings:• Prepares for Board Meetings, in terms of dates, venue, attendees, agenda, required documents, pre-readand meeting briefings, resolutions and other requirements per the Board Charter and CorporateGovernance Manual. Documents the Boards meetings, prepares minutes, records resolutions and votingresults, and retains them in a special and organized register. Notifies management and relevant personnelof decisions made at the meeting that affect them. Complies with any filings required by regulators.Delegation of Authority:• Establishes clearly defined delegation policies and advises the board on matters relating to the delegationof authority such as separating the roles of Chairman and CEO, the CEO delegating his authority,appointment of authorized representatives, drafting powers of attorney, and delegating to committees asper the Board Charter and Corporate Governance Manual.Board Composition & Succession Planning:• Supports the Compensation and Nomination Committee on the size and composition of the board, theselection and appointment of directors as per the Board Charter and Corporate Governance Manual.Supports the Compensation and Nomination Committee with developing a succession plan that Identifiesboard capability gaps and creates a board composition matrix, considering what needs the board mayhave in terms of skills and diversity.Role with Directors:• Drafts, implements, advises the board and enforces a policy on related-party transactions (RPTs). Sets apolicy and process for dealing with actual or potential conflicts of interests of board directors.Board Evaluation:• Supports the Compensation and Nomination Committee and its Secretary in facilitating the evaluationseffectively either through coordination or through independent or joint facilitation of the evaluationprocess, and coordinates with the Compensation and Nomination Committee the remedial actions.Ensures that a reference to the evaluations is included in the corporate governance statement in theorganization’s annual report.Individual Board Directors Evaluation:• Assists the Chairman by organizing the evaluation of individual members of the board. Assessing them ontheir managerial roles and as part of a team. Uses the output to develop directors training programs, andassists the Chairman in deciding who should stand for reelection or retire from the board.Chairman Evaluation:• Prompts the lead board member or senior independent director to begin the evaluation of the Chairman.Advises on the evaluation process and on the criteria used to assess the Chairman. Assists the Chairmanwith any actions resulting from the evaluation.CEO Evaluation:• Assists the CEO and/or the HR department in the development of the job description and keyperformance indicators (KPIs) for the CEO. Ensures that the CEO is clear on the expectations of the board.Enables the board to monitor the performance of the CEO against the KPIs that have been set.RequirementsStrong management skillsBachelors or higherArabic Native + Strong English languagePresentations skills
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