The jobholder will have responsibility for delivery of critical facility led projects and where he is acting as a Mechanical Engineer.
Service Delivery:
The jobholder will be responsible for the operational integrity of the mechanical engineering division. In conjunction with the Technical Design Manager.
Client Engagement:
The jobholder will take prime responsibility for ensuring successful and enduring relationships are established with clients.
Managing the Data center designstages:
Prepare Mechanical design calculations and sizing based on international standards, guides, and local authority regulations
Coordinate other team members for various design tasks.
Coordinate with Electrical Engineers for related calculations.
Generate layouts/diagrams in CAD format.
Assist in reviewing material submittals and shop drawings
Assist in performing value engineering and design reviews.
Assist in writing/updating of specifications
Assist in preparing Bill Of Quantities
Assist in producing employer requirements.
Familiarize with authorities for projects in various countries
Familiarize with international mechanical standards.
Familiarize with mechanical design software.
Attend internal coordination meetings.
Manufacturing and construction supervision
Facility operationsconsultancy
Coordinating and reviewing design submissions fromsubconsultants
To be involved in tendermanagement
Assist in organizing design review meetings, workshops and reports during designphases.
Assist in organizing project progress andmeetings
Supervising Data Centers implementations, testing, and handingover
Verify conformity of the designs with the local regulations andinternational standards
Facilitated Approval of the final design with authorities and otherparties