"1. Comply with the RERA regulations and the stipulations of the Law #6 of 2019 in all their respective projects. - Resolve all the Experience Managers queries with regards to their the Property / Community related requests and matters are resolved. - Escalate unresolved queries or issues which cant be resolve to the Senior manager on timely manner. 2. Supervise and monitor experience managers so that: A.The team manages the assigned communities/properties using the following tools: - Snag Report, Site Condition (Total Snags created; Total Snag Resolved; Total Stuck Snags; Total Progress, Total Snags closed). -Master Plan. b. All projects are managed and maintained as per RERA guidelines. c. All customer queries (if any) forwarded by excellence team are responded within time line 12 working hours. d. Submit Energy performance management Report on a monthly basis. e. Undertake DLP management as per site requirement. f. Prepare all third party reports/audits for every site within the required time frame and updated as required." "Supervise and monitor experience managers so that: 1. The snag report KPIs and SLAs requirements are reflected in the FM/Service Providers standard contracts. 2. Service Providers are adhering to their KPIs / SLAs. 3. All Service Providers are using the snagreport plate form to register, resolve and closed the snags. 4. PPMs in all the projects are conducted as per schedule and as per RERA / regulatory guidelines. 5. All third-party certificates in all the projects are active and updated as per RERA / regulatory guidelines. 6. Comprehensive Strata Building Insurance is in place in all projects. 7.All regulatory required certificates are available and updated in the projects (SIRA Certificate, water testing reports etc). 8. All service providers contracts are active and timely renewed or tendered before 90 of its expiry date. 9. Monthly Report is submitted by the FM Service Providers every 5th of the month." "Coordinate with escrow compliance officer and adhere to requirements requested by escrow compliance officer so that: 1. New buildings/ projects are registered in Mollak within Fifteen (15) working days from the time the contract is signed or the letter of award is received from the Developer. Supervise and Monitor experience managers in order to make sure: 1. Mollak budgets are prepared along with all annexures and submitted to Mollak budget review auditors within 30 days of new financial year 2. All information requested from accounts department is provided timely in order to make sure audit reports of previous financial year are finalized and attested from Ministry of Economics within 30 days of new financial year. 3. The Mollak budget review is submitted for review at RERA within 40 days of new financial year." "Closely monitor and supervise experience managers so that: a. They are professionally handling the communications and management of owners committee and owners committee duties as per Duties of Owners Committees Article (24). b. Owners Committees are regularly convened every three (3) months, i.e. four (4) times a year; and its first meeting will be convened within thirty (30) days from the date of its constitution. c. Meetings of the Owners Committees are valid by attendence of a majority of its members, with its chairman or vice chairman in attendance. D. Ensure each building have its Owners Committee." "Work closely with Experience Manager Team to make sure that the team : 1. Evaluate contractors, suppliers and service provider’s quotation to ensure that they are in line with the technical and commercial specifications required for the project. 2. Supervise daily operational purchasing needs such as planning, issuing and following up on purchase orders delivery and shipment schedules. Coordinate with communication excellence team for issuance of LPO through them. 3. Review deliveries against orders. 4. Manage any Service Level Agreements that may be in place Finalize purchase details of orders and deliveries. 5. Negotiate with external contractors, suppliers and service providers to secure advantageous terms. 6. Use RERA guidelines during the procurement / tendering process. 7. Have all contracts signed and with KPIs and SLAs and Kaizen terms and conditions. 8. Prepare RFP and share with communication excellence team for tendering purpose. 9. Keep AMC Contracts in all projects active, not expired. 10. Before 90 days of contract expiry, conduct the tendering process. 10. Tendering process are started 90 days before contract expiry. 11. The process of LPO issuance runs smooth. 12. All vendors are approved and registered by KAIZEN prior to issuing RFPs." "1. Ensure maximum automations and innovations in all processes and procedures of the buildings. 2. Conduct a quarterly review, update, improvement to our policies and procedures." "1. Zero paper work procedures. 2. Maintain KAIZEN Standards on site and buildings as per Kaizen document retention policy 3. Ensure the team follows Data Room Policy." Making sure all experience managers keep updating the knowledge base sheet with all the required project information and operational matter (maintenance issues) which will be useful for the call center and communication excellence team to be updated to handle unit owners / residents querries and issues. "Work closely with experience manager team in order to: 1. Implement cost saving methods. 2. Implement Energy saving methods. Making sure project(s) is/are working on energy efficiency projects (LED lights / Sensors / Chiller maintenance / solar energy etc). 3. Energy Performance Management Report must be submitted to the director of OA on a quarterly basis. 4. Select the projects where the energy-saving initiative would be applicable for implementation, preparing the timeline and analyze the results/outcome. 5. Monitor and coordinate with Collection team - Communication excellence division in order to make sure that the service charges account have enough funds for the clearing of all utiliies and service providers payments on monthly basis." "Work closely with experience manager team in order to ensure: 1. Monitoring of execution of tasks and results. 2.Implement people management. 3.Monitoring of experience managers team member performance. 4.Conduct experience manager team member appraisals on quarterly basis." "1. Monthly Report submission of all respective portfolio projects to Senior Manager by every 15th of each month. 2. Monthly Report in all respective portfolio projects to be received by the FM Service providers every 5th of the month and by experience managers by 10th of the month. 3. Submiting the reports / assignments given by the senior manager within the given time line." Key Competencies: · Leadership Skills · Problem Analysis & Problem Solving · Decision Maker · Accuracy in ExecutionRequirements